Do I have to be an aromatherapist to join AIA?
No, everyone is welcome who have an interest in sharing and spreading the vision of aromatherapy. We have memberships for aromatherapists at the professional and advanced practitioner levels. We have memberships for non-aromatherapists at the associate member and business membership for aromatherapists and supporters of aromatherapy.
Why Join?
There must be hundreds of reasons why one would join an organization. These are the Top Ten Reasons to join AIA.
- Resources: A resource for aromatherapy information and research at your fingertips.
- Networking: Benefit from the synergy that comes from networking with highly skilled aromatherapists on a professional level.
- Education: The opportunity to grow professionally with continuing education via teleseminars, conferences, and local meetings. Imagine being able to engage in 12 hours of aromatherapy education per year free of charge via webinar and more if you attend local meetings.
- Money: Grow your business by applying the information and education you gain as a member.
- Aromatherapy Conferences: Attend conferences featuring presentations by the world’s leading experts at a discounted rate. Connect with aromatherapists from around the world.
- Continuing Education: Earn Continuing Professional Development credit for attending AIA educational programs. You can use these credits for maintaining your Clinical Member status as well as for satisfying requirement for continuing education for other organization.
- Aromatherapy Research Database: Access to a variety of aromatherapy research papers and assorted information gathered for you education and use.
- Practitioners Liability Insurance: As a member you are entitled to a discounted membership with the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professions (ABMP), including comprehensive liability insurance specifically tailored for aromatherapists.
- Honor: To give back to the community and to help advance aromatherapy’s rightful place in health care.
So what do you think? Why would you join?
How can I join AIA?
All you need is a few minutes to fill our the AIA membership application and a credit card or check for your membership dues. A new member packet will be emailed to you within 10-14 days. Join Now!
How can my organization join AIA?
A Business membership is available for businesses directly associated with aromatherapy and has demonstrated support of the goals and objectives of the AIA. The business is represented by one officer or other designated individual of the company, organization, institution, university, or clinic. Business memberships are available for one person.
How long after I join will I get my new member packet and membership certificate?
You will receive your members packet via email with your certificate within 10-14 days.
When I join, may I call myself an aromatherapist?
To call yourself an aromatherapist you must complete a certification training program through an educator, school, or college that issues you a certification or diploma as an aromatherapist, e.g. Certified Aromatherapist. Schools recognized by AIA.
Does AIA provide practitioner liability insurance for its members?
Members are able to obtain comprehensive liability insurance specifically tailored for aromatherapists, massage therapists, and bodyworkers through the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) organization. Learn more.
Does AIA hold meetings in my state?
AIA has State Representatives and Regional Representatives who hold meetings via teleconference and live. Connect with the Representative in your area to learn more about meetings and AIA.
How do I sign up to attend a webinar? Webinars are a benefit of membership and no sign up is required of members. Click here to learn more and to register.
What is the AIA conference? The AIA conference, traditionally scheduled every other year, takes place at a hotel and typically spans three days. It incorporates pre-conference and/or post-conference day workshops, featuring keynote addresses and lectures that provide opportunities for Continuing Education (CE) credit.
Our 2024 conference will take place from September 26-28, 2024 in Nashville, TN. The theme is Embracing and Composing Sustainable Aromatics. Get more information about our upcoming conference.
What is the annual meeting?
The annual meeting is the membership meeting that takes place each year at either the biannual conference or via teleconference. The meeting is an update for all members about news within in the AIA, including membership, education, and finances as well as the election of directors and officers.
How can I exhibit at the conference? If you want to exhibit and sell your product or services at the conference, you can find more information about Exhibitors and Sponsors on our 2024 conference page. Space and booth assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis so it is important to get your request in early.
How can I present at the annual conference?We issue a call for speaker applications for conference presenters with a deadline of December 17th for the following year. Applications are accepted for pre and or post-conference presentations. All applications are peer-reviewed by members of the Conference Committee. Priority is given to those applications that address the conference goals and theme.
How can I advertise with AIA?The AIA offers many opportunities to collaborate with AIA through sponsorships, business memberships, and advertising. If you are interested in advertising with the AIA, please call the office at 303-531-6377 or send at email to
Does the AIA sell member email addresses?Absolutely not. Member email addresses are strictly confidential. Advertisers have the option to reach our members by advertising in our monthly eNewsletter. Email addresses or any other member contact information shown on our website may not be used for marketing purposes. Please review our Privacy Policy.
How do I access the AIA eNewsletter?
The AIA eNewsletter is a member benefit; however, if you would like to receive a non-member version of the eNewsletter join our email list Sending An Email Here.
Essential Oil Safety
Are essential oils safe to use internally?
The AIA does not endorse the use of essential oils internally unless recommended by a health care practitioner trained at the appropriate clinical level. Internal Use Statement.
Is it safe to use essential oil “neat” (undiluted) on the skin?
Essential oils are concentrated substances, and because of this we do not recommend the use of undiluted essential oils directly on the skin The use of a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut, almond, or others, before using. Diluting them in this way provides a measure of protection from skin irritation, allergic reactions, and even sensitization.
A general rule of thumb for diluting is to use a 1% dilution for children (aged 6 years and under); pregnant women; elderly adults; those with compromised immune systems, sensitive skin, or any serious health issues. A 2% dilution is acceptable for the average adult with no health issues. Higher dilutions can be used, depending on the situation and the health of the person they will be applied on. We recommend that you use the lowest dilution possible that provides effective results.
Note: A 1% dilution would be adding 3 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier.
Can I use essential oils during pregnancy?
There are differing opinions regarding use of essential oils during pregnancy. Clearly it is important to understand safety issues for the use of essential oils and should be avoided when safety issues are uncertain. Use of Essential Oils in Pregnancy.
Are essential oils safe to use on premature infants?
Not advised. There are unknowns: ability of the liver to detoxify the oils; ability of the kidneys to eliminate the waste products of the oils; the respiratory status of the premi with airborne oils. Also premi skin may not have enough of a natural barrier to prevent over absorption of topically applied oils.
How do I learn about essential oil safety?
Essential oils complement conventional and alternative medicine. Always seek medical advice for serious health conditions. Information on the safe use of essential oils and the AIA Standards of Practice can be found within this website.
Should I use only “Therapeutic Grade” Essential Oils?
There are no official grade standards established by the FDA for the aromatherapy industry. Therefore, the terms “therapeutic grade” and “medical grade” are commonly used for marketing purposes only.
In seeking quality essential oils, purchase only from reputable sources who are capable of answering your questions and providing GC/MS and physical analyses. Bottles should be labeled with both the common and botanical name of the plant from which the essential oil is distilled. Be aware that some essential oils (especially rare and expensive oils) may be adulterated or extended. On the other hand, any reputable supplier of rare essential oils will declare on the label if the oils is diluted with a specific carrier oil. Certain essential oils, such as Sandalwood, Rosewood, Frankincense, and Myrrh continue to be unsustainably produced from dwindling resources. AIA does not support continued use of essential oils from threatened species, especially when there are viable alternatives.
Members Only
What can I find in the Members Only section?
The Members Only section features access to a number of valuable resources and information for enhancing ones practice and business activities, including:
- The online and downloadable Membership Directory, providing you the opportunity to locate other AIA members.
- Research Center contains information about the activities of the Research Committee and includes a comprehensive Research Database of aromatherapy related research.
- Documents and forms for membership use.
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