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Aromatics in Action®

Aromatics In Action® (print edition)

Aromatics In Action® is the journal of the Alliance of International Aromatherapists. The journal is published four (4) times each year (seasonally). The journal is a benefit of membership. Not a member? We invite you to join the AIA. You many also purchase the summer issue (a compilation issue in print). Note that you will be asked to create an account to make purchases on our website.

On-Line Store to Purchase Journal  

Member Benefit

The journal is available digitally (fall, winter and spring) to members at no cost. The summer issue consists of articles from the previous three (3) issues and along with some new content and is available as a print copy for you to save use as a reference. The printed copies are mailed to our members in North America in the summer. International members* will receive the summer journal in digital format. International members will receive an email in June with information as to how they may pre-order a printed copy to be mailed upon publication. 

International Members Pre-Order Journal with Shipping ($35)

*International membership in the AIA is available at no additional cost. However, as the AIA is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit association, we ask that our international members bear the cost of shipping the summer journal if they prefer a print copy of the journal.


About us

Founded in 2006, the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the professional organization representing aromatherapists.

AIA aims to increase awareness of and expand access to aromatherapists, help its members build successful practices, expand the body of aromatherapy research, and serve as a resource for members, the media and the public.

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© Alliance of International Aromatherapists

3758 E 104th Ave #36  Thornton, CO 80233

Ph: 303-531-6377

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