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Crystal Brothers -  AIA Journal editor - Aromatics in Action

Crystal Brothers is the Editor of Aromatics in Action - AIA's quarterly journal. She is a Registered Aromatherapist and qualified herbalist and brings a host of skills from her background in software engineering and as an educator.

She is passionate about elevating aromatherapy as a profession and enjoys helping aromatherapists navigate the publication process.

Email Crystal

Tresa Staeven CAHP - Chief Operating Officer

Tresa's journey started with an insect repellent as she searched for a product that was safer and not filled with harmful additives. Little did she know that this quest would lead me to the world of aromatherapy. 

She delved deep into the art and science of essential oils which brought her back not only to her love of chemistry but also opened her eyes to see the potential for well-being. 

She left her 20-year year corporate job in the IT industry  and now shares her passion with others as a Certified Aromatherapist.  She is dedicated to the practice of aromatherapy (art and science) and offer wellness options that are safe and more importantly, tailored specifically to each individual.

Office Manager


About us

Founded in 2006, the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the professional organization representing aromatherapists.

AIA aims to increase awareness of and expand access to aromatherapists, help its members build successful practices, expand the body of aromatherapy research, and serve as a resource for members, the media and the public.

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© Alliance of International Aromatherapists

3758 E 104th Ave #36  Thornton, CO 80233

Ph: 303-531-6377

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