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Code of Ethics

As a member of the Alliance of International Aromatherapists, I shall:

    1. conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner, respecting the law at all times.
    2. visibly display a copy of the AIA Code of Ethics for the benefit of employees and the public.
    3. comply with the AIA Code of Conduct.
    4. represent my education and qualifications honestly in advertising and practice and acknowledge the limitations of my skills, as indicated.
    5. recognize that the public has the right to share in decisions pertaining to their healthcare. I shall educate and guide clients toward this goal and actively encourage them to take responsibility for their care and well-being.
    6. refrain from guaranteeing a specific wellness outcome, acknowledging that aromatic extracts support self-healing and that holistic health outcomes are influenced by many factors.
    7. refuse primary responsibility for health care for any client, unless I am licensed or otherwise authorized to provide primary health care.
    8. provide services within the scope and the limits of my training and to refer to appropriate qualified professionals as indicated.
    9. maintain professional confidentiality except when failure to take action could constitute a danger to others.
    10. avoid discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age and national origin.
    11. appreciate the importance of thoroughness in the performance of duty, compassion with clients, and the significance of the tasks I perform.
    12. provide the highest quality of aromatherapy products available.

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About us

Founded in 2006, the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the professional organization representing aromatherapists.

AIA aims to increase awareness of and expand access to aromatherapists, help its members build successful practices, expand the body of aromatherapy research, and serve as a resource for members, the media and the public.

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© Alliance of International Aromatherapists

3758 E 104th Ave #36  Thornton, CO 80233

Ph: 303-531-6377

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